.h2 KEYMAP # Key remapping definitions! # # You may redefine the keymapping of any function in Lynx by # using the KEYMAP option. The basic form of KEYMAP is: # KEYMAP:: # (See below for an extended format.) # # You must map upper and lowercase keys separately. # # A representative list of functions mapped to their default keys is # provided below. All of the mappings are commented out by default # since they just repeat the default mappings, except for TOGGLE_HELP # (see below). See LYKeymap.c for the complete key mapping. Use the # 'K'eymap command when running Lynx for a list of the _current_ keymappings. # # You can disable any of the default key-mappings by mapping the key to # "UNMAPPED". # # (However, in contrast to the output of 'K' command, # 'H'elp (lynx_help/*.html and lynx_help/keystrokes/*.html files) shows # the default mapping unless you change that files manually, # so you are responsible for possible deviations # when you are changing any KEYMAP below). # # Lynx accepts special keys either by name, or by lynx-specific codes. These # names and codes are listed below, with a brief description: .nf # UPARROW: 0x100 (Up Arrow) # DNARROW: 0x101 (Down Arrow) # RTARROW: 0x102 (Right Arrow) # LTARROW: 0x103 (Left Arrow) # PGDOWN: 0x104 (Page Down) # PGUP: 0x105 (Page Up) # HOME: 0x106 (Keypad Home) # END: 0x107 (Keypad End) # F1: 0x108 (VT220 Function-key 1, also Help Key) # DO_KEY: 0x109 (VT220 Function key 16, also "Do" Key) # FIND_KEY: 0x10A (VT220 key with label "Home" may be treated as Find) # SELECT_KEY: 0x10B (VT220 key with label "End" may be treated as Select) # INSERT_KEY: 0x10C (VT220 Insert Key) # REMOVE_KEY: 0x10D (VT220 Remove (DEL) Key) # DO_NOTHING: 0x10E (reserved for internal use, DO_NOTHING) # BACKTAB_KEY: 0x10F (Back Tab, e.g., using Shift) # F2: 0x110 (VT220 Function-key 2) # F3: 0x111 (VT220 Function-key 3) # F4: 0x112 (VT220 Function-key 4) # F5: 0x113 (VT220 Function-key 5) # F6: 0x114 (VT220 Function-key 6) # F7: 0x115 (VT220 Function-key 7) # F8: 0x116 (VT220 Function-key 8) # F9: 0x117 (VT220 Function-key 9) # F10: 0x118 (VT220 Function-key 10) # F11: 0x119 (VT220 Function-key 11) # F12: 0x11A (VT220 Function-key 12) # MOUSE: 0x11D (reserved for internal use with -use_mouse) .fi # Other codes not listed above may be available for additional keys, # depending on operating system and libraries used to compile Lynx. # On Unix-like systems, if compiled with slang or ncurses, an additional # level of key mapping is supported via an external ".lynx-keymaps" file. # This file, if found in the home directory at startup, will always be # used under those conditions; see lynx-keymaps distributed in the samples # subdirectory for further explanation. Note that mapping via # .lynx-keymaps, if applicable, is a step that logically comes before the # mappings done here: KEYMAP maps the result of that step (which still # represents a key) to a function (which represents an action that Lynx # should perform). .nf # #KEYMAP:0x5C:SOURCE # Toggle source viewing mode (show HTML source) #KEYMAP:^R:RELOAD # Reload the current document and redisplay #KEYMAP:^U:NEXT_DOC # Undo PREV_DOC) #KEYMAP:q:QUIT # Ask the user to quit #KEYMAP:Q:ABORT # Quit without verification #KEYMAP:0x20:NEXT_PAGE # Move down to next page #KEYMAP:-:PREV_PAGE # Move up to previous page #KEYMAP:^P:UP_TWO # Move display up two lines KEYMAP:UPARROW:UP_TWO # Move display up two lines #KEYMAP:INSERT_KEY:UP_TWO # Function key Insert - Move display up two lines #KEYMAP:^N:DOWN_TWO # Move display down two lines KEYMAP:DNARROW:DOWN_TWO # Move display down two lines #KEYMAP:REMOVE_KEY:DOWN_TWO # Function key Remove - Move display down two lines #KEYMAP:(:UP_HALF # Move display up half a page #KEYMAP:):DOWN_HALF # Move display down half a page KEYMAP:0x20:DOWN_HALF # Move display down half a page #KEYMAP:^W:REFRESH # Refresh the screen #KEYMAP:^A:HOME # Go to top of current document #KEYMAP:HOME:HOME # Keypad Home - Go to top of current document #KEYMAP:FIND_KEY:HOME # Function key Find - Go to top of current document #KEYMAP:^E:END # Go to bottom of current document #KEYMAP:END:END # Keypad End - Go to bottom of current document #KEYMAP:SELECT_KEY:END # Function key Select - Go to bottom of current document KEYMAP:LTARROW:PREV_LINK # Move to the previous link or page KEYMAP:RTARROW:NEXT_LINK # Move to the next link or page #KEYMAP:BACKTAB_KEY:FASTBACKW_LINK # Back Tab - Move to previous link or text area #KEYMAP:^I:FASTFORW_LINK # Tab key - Move always to next link or text area #KEYMAP:^:FIRST_LINK # Move to the first link on line #KEYMAP:$:LAST_LINK # Move to the last link on line #KEYMAP:<:UP_LINK # Move to the link above #KEYMAP:>:DOWN_LINK # Move to the link below KEYMAP:h:HISTORY # Show the history list #KEYMAP:0x7F:HISTORY # Show the history list KEYMAP:0x08:PREV_DOC # Return to the previous document in history stack KEYMAP:0x7F:PREV_DOC # Return to the previous document in history stack #KEYMAP:RTARROW:ACTIVATE # Select the current link #KEYMAP:DO_KEY:ACTIVATE # Function key Do - Select the current link #KEYMAP:g:GOTO # Goto a random URL #KEYMAP:G:ECGOTO # Edit the current document's URL and go to it #KEYMAP:H:HELP # Show default help screen #KEYMAP:F1:DWIMHELP # Function key Help - Show a help screen #KEYMAP:i:INDEX # Show default index #*** Edit FORM_LINK_* messages in LYMessages_en.h if you change NOCACHE *** #KEYMAP:x:NOCACHE # Force submission of form or link with no-cache #*** Do not change INTERRUPT from 'z' & 'Z' *** #KEYMAP:z:INTERRUPT # Interrupt network transmission #KEYMAP:m:MAIN_MENU # Return to the main menu #KEYMAP:o:OPTIONS # Show the options menu #KEYMAP:i:INDEX_SEARCH # Search a server based index #KEYMAP:/:WHEREIS # Find a string within the current document #KEYMAP:n:NEXT # Find next occurrence of string within document #KEYMAP:c:COMMENT # Comment to the author of the current document #KEYMAP:C:CHDIR # Change current directory #KEYMAP:e:EDIT # Edit current document or form's textarea (call: ^Ve) #KEYMAP:E:ELGOTO # Edit the current link's URL or ACTION and go to it #KEYMAP:=:INFO # Show info about current document #KEYMAP:p:PRINT # Show print options #KEYMAP:a:ADD_BOOKMARK # Add current document to bookmark list #KEYMAP:v:VIEW_BOOKMARK # View the bookmark list #KEYMAP:V:VLINKS # List links visited during the current Lynx session #KEYMAP:!:SHELL # Spawn default shell #KEYMAP:d:DOWNLOAD # Download current link #KEYMAP:j:JUMP # Jump to a predefined target #KEYMAP:k:KEYMAP # Display the current key map #KEYMAP:l:LIST # List the references (links) in the current document #KEYMAP:#:TOOLBAR # Go to the Toolbar or Banner in the current document #KEYMAP:^T:TRACE_TOGGLE # Toggle detailed tracing for debugging #KEYMAP:;:TRACE_LOG # View trace log if available for the current session #KEYMAP:*:IMAGE_TOGGLE # Toggle inclusion of links for all images #KEYMAP:[:INLINE_TOGGLE # Toggle pseudo-ALTs for inlines with no ALT string #KEYMAP:]:HEAD # Send a HEAD request for current document or link #*** Must be compiled with USE_EXTERNALS to enable EXTERN_LINK, EXTERN_PAGE *** #KEYMAP:,:EXTERN_PAGE # Run external program with current page #KEYMAP:.:EXTERN_LINK # Run external program with current link #*** Escaping from text input fields with ^V is independent from this: *** #KEYMAP:^V:SWITCH_DTD # Toggle between SortaSGML and TagSoup HTML parsing #KEYMAP:0x00:DO_NOTHING # Does nothing (ignore this key) #KEYMAP:DO_NOTHING:DO_NOTHING # Does nothing (ignore this key) #KEYMAP:{:SHIFT_LEFT # shift the screen left #KEYMAP:}:SHIFT_RIGHT # shift the screen right #KEYMAP:|:LINEWRAP_TOGGLE # toggle linewrap on/off, for shift-commands #KEYMAP:~:NESTED_TABLES # toggle nested-tables parsing on/off .fi # In addition to the bindings available by default, the following functions # are not directly mapped to any keys by default, although some of them may # be mapped in specific line-editor bindings (effective while in text input # fields): .nf # #KEYMAP:???:RIGHT_LINK # Move to the link to the right #KEYMAP:???:LEFT_LINK # Move to the link to the left #KEYMAP:???:LPOS_PREV_LINK # Like PREV_LINK, last column pos if form input #KEYMAP:???:LPOS_NEXT_LINK # Like NEXT_LINK, last column pos if form input #*** Only useful in form text fields , need PASS or prefixing with ^V: *** #KEYMAP:???:DWIMHELP # Display help page that may depend on context #KEYMAP:???:DWIMEDIT # Use external editor for context-dependent purpose #*** Only useful in a form textarea, need PASS or prefixing with ^V: *** #KEYMAP:???:EDITTEXTAREA # use external editor to edit a form textarea #KEYMAP:???:GROWTEXTAREA # Add some blank lines to bottom of textarea #KEYMAP:???:INSERTFILE # Insert file into a textarea (just above cursor) #*** Only useful with dired support and OK_INSTALL: *** #KEYMAP:???:INSTALL # install (i.e. copy) local files to new location .fi # # If TOGGLE_HELP is mapped, in novice mode the second help menu line # can be toggled among NOVICE_LINE_TWO_A, _B, and _C, as defined in # LYMessages_en.h Otherwise, it will be NOVICE_LINE_TWO. # #KEYMAP:O:TOGGLE_HELP # Show other commands in the novice help menu # # KEYMAP lines can have one or two additional fields. The extended format is # KEYMAP::[